:: PDP-12 CP Test 2: Skip and Data Handling (D0AB) :: This test halts after the first 3 instructions to let the :: operator verify that HLT and CLA works before continuing :: onto the real tests. :: maindec-12-d0ab-pb Instruction Test 2 # Set 6 sense switches to all ones. d sns 77 echof -n "** PDP-12: CP Test (2): " load diags/maindec-12-d0ab-pb.bin :: Patch address 5276 with HLT to stop execution after a :: full pass is done or else it will run forever. dep 7415 7402 dep sr 07777 run -q 20 e PC,AC if (PC != 00023 || AC != 0) echof "MAINDEC-12-D0AB failed."; exit 1 echof got here go -q echof got here2 e PC if (PC != 00027 || AC != 07777) echof "MAINDEC-12-D0AB failed."; exit 1 echof got here3 go -q e pc,mq,l,ac,0001 if (PC != 07416) echof "MAINDEC-12-D0AB failed."; exit 1 #echof -n "** PDP-12: CP Test (2): " echof "passed"