:: PDP-12 CP Test 1: LINC Instruction Test 1 (D0BA) :: maindec-12-d0ba-pb Instruction Test 1 echof -n "** PDP-12: LINC Instruction Test (1): " load diags/maindec-12-d0ba-pb.bin :: Patch address 5103 with HLT to stop execution after a :: full pass is done or else it will run forever. dep 5103 0000 dep sr 7777 dep lsr 7777 # Start in LINC mode. #d linc 1 #go -q 4020 # For now, force a LINC instruction at 4017. dep 4017 6141 run -q 4017 #e PC if (PC != 04023 || AC != 0) echof "MAINDEC-12-D0BA failed."; exit 1 go -q #e 0001,4004,4006,4007,4010,4013 if (PC != 05104) echof "MAINDEC-12-D0BA failed."; exit 1 #echof -n "** PDP-12: LINC Instruction Test (1): " echof "passed"