:: Instruction Test 3 :: maindec-12-d0cb-pb Instruction Test 3 :: Also tests extended (banked) memory. echof -n "** PDP-12: Instruction Test 3: " load diags/maindec-12-d0cb-pb.bin :: Patch address 5462 with HLT. dep 5462 0000 :: Set SR5 to test a PDP-12B or PDP-12C. :: (PDP-12A has most features, PDP-12C least.) dep sr 0100 #dep sr 0000 # Start in PDP mode. d linc 0 run -q 400 #e pc,l,ac,mq if (PC != 05463) echof "MAINDEC-12-D0CB failed."; exit 1 #echof -n "** PDP-12: Instruction Test 3: " echof "passed."