:: pdp8_test.ini :: :: Run the paper tape-based diagnostics for the PDP-8 simulator. :: :: :: Script is where the diagnostics ought to reside as well. cd %~p0 :: Limit maximum diagnostic execution time runlimit 2000M instructions set on inherit set on on error ignore on runtime echof "\r\n*** Test Runtime Limit %SIM_RUNLIMIT% %SIM_RUNLIMIT_UNITS% Exceeded ***\n"; exit 1 # Model should default to pdp8e, for backward compatibility. # (Also as good a place to start as any.) sh cpu runlimit 2000M instructions do pdp8e.ini set cpu pdp5 sh cpu do pdp5.ini set cpu pdp8 sh cpu do pdp8.ini set cpu pdp8s sh cpu do pdp8s.ini set cpu pdp8i sh cpu do pdp8i.ini set cpu pdp8l sh cpu do pdp8l.ini set cpu pdp12 sh cpu norunlimit runlimit 2000M instructions do pdp12.ini set cpu pdp8a sh cpu do pdp8a.ini set cpu vt78 sh cpu do vt78.ini # Models to worry about later. # linc8.ini # decmate1.ini # decmate2.ini # decmate3.ini echof echof "!! All Tests Passed !!" echof exit 0