cd %~p0 ;====================================================== ; SEL32 System Engineering Labs 32 bit computer ; MPX/UTX CPU diagnostic hardware configuration ; CPU - 32/67 4M Sel32 Concept/32 ; IOP - 7e00 Model 8001 IOP Processor Controller ; DMA - 0800 2311/2314 Disk Processor II (N/U) ; dma0 - N/U ; dma0 <-> detached ; LPR - 7ef8/7ef9 Model 924X High Speed Line Printer ; COM - 7ec0 8512 8-line async communications (N/U) ; CON - 7efc/7efd Console Terminal ; RTC - 7f06 60 HZ Real-Time clock ; ITM - 7f04 38.4MS Interval timer ; MT - 1000 8051 Buffered Tape Processor ; mta0 <- diag.tap ; EC - 0e00 Model 8516 Ethernet (not supported) ;====================================================== ; Set hostname set env HOST=sel32 ; Set local IP address ; set env IP= (N/U) ;====================================================== ; ; Set run limit of 2 minutes set runlimit 2 minutes set on on error ignore on runtime echof "\r\n*** FAILED - SEL32 Test Runtime Limit %SIM_RUNLIMIT% %SIM_RUNLIMIT_UNITS% Exceeded ***\n"; exit 1 ; if not exist "diag.tap" echo "\n*** FAILURE diag.tap file missing ***\n"; exit 1 ; ; Set debug output ;set debug -n sel.log ;set debug stderr ; ; CPU type and memory ;set CPU 32/27 2M ;set CPU 32/27 4M ;set CPU 32/87 4M set CPU 32/67 4M ;set CPU 32/97 4M ;set CPU V6 4M ;set CPU V6 8M ;set CPU V9 4M ;set CPU V9 8M ; ; CPU debug options ;set cpu debug=cmd;exp;inst;detail;trap;xio;irq ; Set instruction trace history size ;;set cpu history=10000 ; useful options ;set cpu debug=exp ;set cpu debug=cmd;exp;irq;trap;xio ;set cpu debug=cmd;irq;trap;exp ;set cpu debug=irq;trap;exp;xio ;set cpu debug=irq;xio ;set cpu debug=irq;exp;trap ; ; RTC realtime clock set RTC 50 ;set RTC 60 set RTC enable ; RTC debug options ;set RTC debug=cmd ; ; ITM interval timer ;set ITM debug=cmd ; ; IOP at channel 7e00 ; useful options ;set iop debug=cmd;exp ;set iop debug=cmd ; make iop online set iop enable ; set iop channel address set iop0 dev=7e00 ; ; MFP at channel 7e00 ; useful options ;set mfp debug=cmd;exp ; make mfp online ;set mfp enable ; set mfp channel address ;set mfp0 dev=7e00 ;set mfp0 dev=7600 ; ; COM 8-Line ;set com debug=cmd; ;set coml0 enable ;set coml1 enable ;set coml2 enable ;set coml3 enable ;set coml4 enable ;set coml5 enable ;set coml6 enable ;set coml7 enable ; ; Enable telnet sessions on port 4747 ;set comc enable ;at comc 4747 ; ; LPR ;set lpr debug=cmd;detail ;set lpr enable ; LPR output file ;at lpr lprout ; ; CON Console ;set con debug=cmd;exp;detail ; useful options ; enable console set con enable ; set console address ; set con0 enable set con0 dev=7efc ; set con1 enable set con1 dev=7efd ;set con debug=cmd;exp ; ; MTA Buffered tape processor ;set mta debug=cmd;exp;detail;data ; useful options ; ; enable MTA to change channel set mta enable ; set mta channel set mta0 dev=1000 ; ; Attach in/out tape files set mta0 locked at mta0 diag.tap ;at mta1 temptape.tap ;at mta2 output.tap ; ; DMA disk processor II/UDP ; enable DMA to change channel ;set dma enable ; set disk chan to 0800 ;set dma0 dev=800 ; set disk type to MPX MH300 ;set dma0 type=MH300 ; set disk type to UTX 9346 ;set dma0 type=9346 ;set dma0 type=8155 ;set dma0 type=8887 ;set dma0 type=8148 ; ; Attach diskfile ;at dma0 utx0disk ;at dma0 utx1disk ;at dma0 sim32disk ;at dma debug=cmd;exp;detail;data ;at dma0 diagdisk ; useful options ;set dma debug=cmd;exp ;set dma debug=exp;cmd;detail ; ; SDA SCFI disk processor ;set sda debug=cmd;exp;data;detail ; Attach diskfiles ;at sda0 diskfile4 ;at sda1 diskfile5 ; ; DPA high speed disk processor ; enable the HSDP to change channel ;set dpa enable ; set channel addr ;set dpa dev=800 ; set disk type to UTX 8887 ;set dpa0 type=8887 ; ; Attach diskfiles ;at utxdsk.dsk ;at dpa0 utx0hsdp ;at dpa1 utx1hsdp ; ;set dpa debug=cmd;detail;exp ; useful options ;set dpa debug=cmd;exp ; ; set console switches deposit CSW 0 ; ;UTX boot tape options ;set GPR 7 to 0x00 to boot in multi-user mode ;set GPR 7 to 0x01 to prompt for unix filename ;set GPR 7 to 0x02 to boot in single user mode ;set GPR 7 to 0x10 to disable swapping and paging ;set GPR 7 to 0x20 to boot from device specified in GPR6 ;set GPR 7 to 0x40 to allow progress messages on boot ;deposit BOOTR[7] 40 ;deposit BOOTR[7] 52 ;deposit BOOTR[7] 42 ;deposit BOOTR[7] 2 ;deposit BOOTR[6] 800 ;deposit BOOTR[0] ffffffff ; ; Set register content at boot for SEL diagnostics ; uncomment next line to get diag loader prompt ;deposit bootr[0] ffffffff deposit bootr[1] 0 deposit bootr[2] 0 ; ; allow cpu idle set cpu idle ; Set expect script for auto time entry on MPX at OPCOM prompt ;expect haltafter=20000 ; wait for expected output from simulator, then enter this text ;expect "??" send " %DATE_MM%/%DATE_DD%/%DATE_YY%,%TIME_HH%:%TIME_MM%:%TIME_SS%\r"; GO ; ; Boot from disk ;bo dpa0 ;bo dma0 ; ; Go to simh on completion of script expect "DOL>" echof "\r\n*** PASSED - SEL32 Autobatch Diagnostic Successfully Completed\n"; exit 0 ; Boot from mag tape bo mta0 ;det all ;rm temptape.tap ;rm output.tap expect "[][]" echof "\r\n*** FAILED - SEL32 Autobatch Diagnostic Failed to Complete\n"; exit 1 echof "\r\n*** FAILED - SEL32 Autobatch Diagnostic Failed to Complete\n" exit 1 ;quit