1 TESTS TEST INST | TEST INST | TEST INST ---- ---- | ---- ---- | ---- ---- 1 BRB | 2 BRW | 3 BBC 4 BBS | 5 MOVB | 6 MOVW 7 MOVL | 8 MOVQ | 9 CLRB 10 CLRW | 11 CLRL | 12 CLRQ 13 MNEGB | 14 MNEGW | 15 MNEGL 16 MCOMB | 17 MCOMW | 18 MCOML 19 MOVZBW | 20 MOVZBL | 21 MOVZWL 22 CVTBW | 23 CVTBL | 24 CVTWB 25 CVTWL | 26 CVTLB | 27 CVTLW 28 CMPB | 29 CMPW | 30 CMPL 31 TSTB | 32 TSTW | 33 TSTL 34 ADDB2 | 35 ADDB3 | 36 ADDW2 37 ADDW3 | 38 ADDL2 | 39 ADDL3 40 ADAWI | 41 INCB | 42 INCW 43 INCL | 44 ADWC | 45 SUBB2 46 SUBB3 | 47 SUBW2 | 48 SUBW3 49 SUBL2 | 50 SUBL3 | 51 DECB 52 DECW | 53 DECL | 54 SBWC 55 MULB2 | 56 MULB3 | 57 MULW2 58 MULW3 | 59 MULL2 | 60 MULL3 61 EMUL | 62 DIVB2 | 63 DIVB3 64 DIVW2 | 65 DIVW3 | 66 DIVL2 67 DIVL3 | 68 EDIV | 69 ASHL 70 ASHQ | 71 BITB | 72 BITW 73 BITL | 74 BISB2 | 75 BISB3 76 BISW2 | 77 BISW3 | 78 BISL2 79 BISL3 | 80 BICB2 | 81 BICB3 82 BICW2 | 83 BICW3 | 84 BICL2 85 BICL3 | 86 XORB2 | 87 XORB3 88 XORW2 | 89 XORW3 | 90 XORL2 91 XORL3 | 92 ROTL | 93 FFC 94 FFS | 95 INSV | 96 EXTV 97 EXTZV | 98 CMPV | 99 CMPZV 100 BNEQ | 101 BEQL | 102 BGTR 103 BLEQ | 104 BGEQ | 105 BLSS 106 BGTRU | 107 BLEQU | 108 BVC 109 BVS | 110 BCC | 111 BCS 112 BLBC | 113 BLBS | 114 BBCC 115 BBCS | 116 BBSC | 117 BBSS 118 BBCCI | 119 BBSSI | 120 ACBB 121 ACBW | 122 ACBL | 123 AOBLEQ 124 AOBLSS | 125 SOBGEQ | 126 SOBGTR 127 INDEX | 128 INSQUE | 129 INSQHI 130 INSQTI | 131 REMQUE | 132 REMQHI 133 REMQTI | 134 MOVC3 | 135 MOVC5 136 MOVTC | 137 MOVTUC | 138 CMPC3 139 CMPC5 | 140 SPANC | 141 SCANC 142 SKPC | 143 LOCC | 144 MATCHC 145 MOVP | 146 CMPP3 | 147 CMPP4 148 ADDP4 | 149 ADDP6 | 150 SUBP4 151 SUBP6 | 152 MULP | 153 DIVP 154 CVTLP | 155 CVTPL | 156 CVTPT 157 CVTTP | 158 CVTPS | 159 CVTSP 160 ASHP | 161 EDITPC 1 ATTACH The CPU must be attached. A VAX-11/730 CPU is a KA730, etc. 2 KA730 DS> ATT KA730 HUB KAn (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) Time-of-year clock (YES or NO) (2) WCS last address (3) Accelerator type (0 = FPA absent, 1 = FPA present) (4) K-bytes of Main Memory (5) User WCS loaded (YES or NO) (6) SB errors (YES or NO) 2 KA750 DS> ATT KA750 CMI KAn (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) G-Floating Instructions (YES or NO) (2) H-Floating Instructions (YES or NO) (3) Time-of-year clock (YES or NO) (4) WCS Last Address, Hex (5) Accelerator Type (0 = FPA absent, 1 = FPA present) 2 KA780 DS> ATTACH KA780 SBI KAn (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) G-Floating Instructions (YES or NO) (2) H-Floating Instructions (YES or NO) (3) WCS Last Address, Hex (4) Accelerator Type (0 = FPA absent, 1 = FPA present) 1 HELP This program exercises most of the VAX native mode instruction set that can be executed in any mode, i.e., non-priviledged instructions. It does not include the Floating Point instructions that are in EVKAC. The program is capable of running under the Diagnostic Supervisor in either the standalone environment or as a user task under VMS. It is also designed to run on any member of the VAX family of computers. 1 SECTION 2 INTEGER Integer Arithmetic and Logical Instructions: MOVB, MOVW, MOVL, MOVQ, CLRB, CLRW, CLRL, CLRQ, MNEGB, MNEGW, MNEGL, MCOMB, MCOMW, MCOML, MOVZBW, MOVZBL, MOVZWL, CVTBW, CVTBL, CVTWB, CVTWL, CVTLB, CVTLW, CMPB, CMPW, CMPL, TSTB, TSTW, TSTL, ADDB2, ADDB3, ADDW2, ADDW3, ADDL2, ADDL3, ADAWI, INCB, INCW, INCL, ADWC, SUBB2, SUBB3, SUBW2, SUBW3, SUBL2, SUBL3, INCB, INCW, INCL, SBWC, MULB2, MULB3, MULW2, MULW3, MULL2, MULL3, EMUL, DIVB2, DIVB3, DIVW2, DIVW3, DIVL2, DIVL3, EDIV, ASHL, ASHQ, BITB, BITW, BITL, BISB2, BISB3, BISW2, BISW3, BISL2, BISL3, BICB2, BICB3, BICW2, BICW3, BICL2, BICL3, XORB2, XORB3, XORW2, XORW3, XORL2, XORL3, and ROTL. Integer Arithmetic Control Instructions: ACBB, ACBW, ACBL, AOBLEQ, AOBLSS, SOBGEQ, and SOBGTR. 2 FIELD Variable Length Bit Field Instructions: EXTV, EXTV, INSV, CMPV, CMPZV, FFC, and FFS. Single Bit Field Control Instructions: BBS, BBC, BBSS, BBCS, BBSC, BBCC, BBSSI, BBCCI, BLBS, BLBC 2 CONTROL Basic Control Instructions: BRB, BRW, BNEQ, BEQL, BGTR, BLEQ, BGEQ, BLSS, BGTRU, BLEQU, BVC, BVS, BGEQU, and BLSSU. Single Bit Field Control Instructions: BBS, BBC, BBSS, BBCS, BBSC, BBCC, BBSSI, BBCCI, BLBS, BLBC Integer Arithmetic Control Instructions: ACBB, ACBW, ACBL, AOBLEQ, AOBLSS, SOBGEQ, and SOBGTR. 2 QUEUE Queue Instructions: INSQUE, REMQUE, INSQHI, INSQTI, REMQHI, and REMQTI. 2 CHARACTER Character String Instructions: MOVC3, MOVC5, MOVTC, MOVTUC, CMPC, SCANC, SPANC, LOCC, SKPC, and MATCHC. 2 DECIMAL Decimal String Instructions: MOVP, CMPP3, CMPP4, ADDP4, ADDP6, SUBP4, SUBP6, MULP, DIVP, CVTLP, CVTPL, CVTPT, CVTTP, CVTPS, CVTSP, and ASHP. 2 MOVXMNEGX All MOVX, MOVCn, MCOMX, MOVTXX, MNEG Instructions: MOVB, MOVW, MOVL, MOVQ, MNEGB, MNEGW, MNEGL, MCOMB, MCOMW, MCOML, MOVZBW, MOVZBL, MOVZWL, MOVC3, MOVC5, MOVTC, MOVTUC, and MOVP. 2 CMPXX All CMPX and CMPXX Instructions: CMPB, CMPW, CMPL, CMPP3, CMPP4, CMPC3, CMPC5, CMPV, and CMPZV. 2 CVTXX All CVTXX Instructions: CVTLP, CVTPL, CVTPT, CVTTP, CVTPS, and CVTSP. 2 ADDSUBMULDIV All ADDxx, SUBxx, MULxx, and DIVxx Instructions. ADDB2, ADDB3, ADDW2, ADDW3, ADDL2, ADDL3, SUBB2, SUBB3, SUBW2, SUBW3, SUBL2, SUBL3, MULB2, MULB3, MULW2, MULW3, MULL2, MULL3, DIVB2, DIVB3, DIVW2, DIVW3, DIVL2, and DIVL3. 2 ASHX All ASHX Instructions: ASHL, ASHQ, and ASHP. 1 EVENT Event flags 2 through 6 are active with this program. 2 FLAG2 Disables the interval timer interrupting during instruction execution. 2 FLAG3 Enables the interval timer interrupting while page faulting is also enabled. 2 FLAG4 Enables the continuation of a subtest after an error (normally the subtest is aborted). 2 FLAG5 Disables the DIVP instruction execution during interval timer interrupting. 2 FLAG6 Enables the user to create their own custom section of tests by asking what tests are to be executed. If this flag is found set, the diagnostic prompts the user for test numbers the user wants executed. When done entering, hit Carriage Return to the response for a test number, and the diagnostic will begin. You may input any number of test numbers. IMPORTANT: If you select a particular section and that test number is NOT in the section, THE TEST WILL NOT EXECUTE. i.e. SECTION takes priority over FLAG6 selections. To obtain a list of the instructions and test numbers that execute those instructions, type HELP EVKAB TESTS. ****** THIS FLAG DOES NOT WORK IF THE OPERATOR FLAG BIT IS CLEAR ****** 1 QUICK The QUICK flag disables the execution of the instructions with page faulting so that each instruction test case is only executed once for each addressing mode combination. 1 SUMMARY The summary report gives an error count by test number. No report is generated if there were no errors.