# $Id: smakefile,v 1.6 2005/11/05 02:06:14 phil Exp $ # Makefile for test programs (standard Unix "make" version) # Unix: # comment out OS X, Windows defs, uncomment Unix defs, # edit Unix defs to fit your compiler/library environment, then # make -f smakefile # # OS X (Carbon) # comment out Unix, Windows defs, uncomment OS X defs # make -f smakefile # # Win32 (Cygwin) # comment out Unix defs, uncomment Windows defs, then # make -f smakefile # # Win32 (MINGW) # comment out Unix defs, uncomment Windows defs, then # mingw32-make DISP_DEFS=-DTEST_DIS=DIS_VR48 -DTEST_RES=RES_HALF # -DDEBUG_VT11 #Unix environments CC=cc #CC=gcc -Wunused #X11BASE=/usr/X11R6 #X11LIBDIR=$(X11BASE)/lib #X11INCDIR=$(X11BASE)/include LIBS=-lXt -lX11 -lm # -L$(X11LIBDIR) OSFLAGS=-I$(X11INCDIR) DRIVER=x11.o EXT= PROF=-g # -pg OPT=-O # -O2 CFLAGS=$(OPT) $(PROF) $(OSFLAGS) $(DISP_DEFS) LDFLAGS=$(PROF) ##OS X #CC=cc -Wunused #LIBS=-framework Carbon #OSFLAGS= #DRIVER=carbon.o #EXT= #PROF=-g # -pg #OPT=-O # -O2 #CFLAGS=$(OPT) $(PROF) $(OSFLAGS) $(DISP_DEFS) #LDFLAGS=$(PROF) ##Win32 environments #LIBS=-lgdi32 #OSFLAGS= #DRIVER=win32.o #EXT=.exe #PROF=-g # -pg #OPT=-O2 #CFLAGS=$(OPT) $(PROF) $(OSFLAGS) $(DISP_DEFS) #CC=gcc -Wunused LDFLAGS=$(PROF) ALL= munch$(EXT) vt11$(EXT) ALL: $(ALL) # munching squares; see README file for # how to use console switches MUNCH=$(DRIVER) display.o test.o munch$(EXT): $(MUNCH) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o munch$(EXT) $(MUNCH) $(LIBS) VT11=$(DRIVER) vt11.o vttest.o display.o vt11$(EXT): $(VT11) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o vt11$(EXT) $(VT11) $(LIBS) display.o: display.h ws.h vt11.o: display.h vt11.h x11.o: ws.h display.h carbon.o: ws.h win32.o: ws.h test.o: display.h vt11.h vttest.o: display.h vt11.h vtmacs.h clean: rm -f *.o *~ .#* # Unix # if exist *.o del /q *.o # Win32 # if exist *~ del /q *~ # Win32 # if exist .#* del /q .#* # Win32 clobber: clean rm -f $(ALL) # Unix # if exist *.exe del /q *.exe # Win32