Appendix I:

Index of Library Functions

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_adjust CSYSLIB.C 510 ccargc CALL.ASM 502 isxdigit IS.C 526 _alloc CSYSLIB.C 511 cfree FREE.C 521 itoa ITOA.C 527 _backup CSYSLIB.C 510 clearerr CLEARERR.C 504 itoab ITOAB.C 528 _bdos2 CSYSLIB.C 511 cseek CSEEK.C 504 itod ITOD.C 528 _clreof CSYSLIB.C 511 cseekc CSEEK.C 505 itoo ITOO.C 529 _clrerr CSYSLIB.C 511 ctell CTELL.C 513 itou ITOU.C 529 _empty CSYSLIB.C 510 ctellc CTELL.C 513 itox ITOX.C 530 _eq CALL.ASM 502 delete UNLINK.C 538 left LEFT.C 530 _flush CSYSLIB.C 509 dtoi DTOI.C 514 lexcmp LEXCMP.C 531 _ge CALL.ASM 502 exit EXIT.C 514 lexorder LEXCMP.C 531 _getkey CSYSLIB.C 513 fclose FCLOSE.C 515 malloc MALLOC.C 531 _gt CALL.ASM 502 feof FEOF.C 515 otoi OTOI.C 532 _hitkey CSYSLIB.C 512 ferror FERROR.C 515 pad PAD.C 532 _le CALL.ASM 502 fgetc FGETC.C 515 poll POLL.C 532 _lneg CALL.ASM 503 fgets FGETS.C 516 printf FPRINTF.C 518 _lt CALL.ASM 502 fopen FOPEN.C 518 putc FPUTC.C 520 _main CSYSLIB.C 506 fprintf FPRINTF.C 518 putchar PUTCHAR.C 532 _mode CSYSLIB.C 510 fputc FPUTC.C 519 puts PUTS.C 533 _ne CALL.ASM 502 fputs FPUTS.C 520 read FREAD.C 520 _open CSYSLIB.C 507 fread FREAD.C 520 rename RENAME.C 533 _parse CSYSLIB.C 506 free FREE.C 521 reverse REVERSE.C 534 _read CSYSLIB.C 508 freopen FREOPEN.C 521 rewind REWIND.C 534 _readbuf CSYSLIB.C 508 fscanf FSCANF.C 522 scanf FSCANF.C 522 _seek CSYSLIB.C 512 fwrite FWRITE.C 524 sign SIGN.C 534 _seteof CSYSLIB.C 511 getarg GETARG.C 524 strcat STRCAT.C 534 _seterr CSYSLIB.C 511 getc FGETC.C 516 strchr STRCHR.C 535 _switch CALL.ASM 503 getchar GETCHAR.C 525 strcmp STRCMP.C 535 _uge CALL.ASM 502 gets FGETS.C 517 strcpy STRCPY.C 535 _ugt CALL.ASM 502 gets FGETS.C 517 strlen STRLEN.C 535 _ule CALL.ASM 502 isalnum IS.C 526 strncat STRNCAT.C 536 _ult CALL.ASM 502 isalpha IS.C 526 strncmp STRNCMP.C 536 _write CSYSLIB.C 509 isascii ISASCII.C 526 strncpy STRNCPY.C 536 _writebuf CSYSLIB.C 509 isatty ISATTY.C 526 strrchr STRRCHR.C 537 abort EXIT.C 514 iscntrl IS.C 526 toascii TOASCII.C 537 abs ABS.C 498 iscons ISCONS.C 527 tolower TOLOWER.C 537 atoi ATOI.C 498 isdigit IS.C 526 toupper TOUPPER.C 537 atoib ATOIB.C 499 isgraph IS.C 526 ungetc UNGETC.C 538 auxbuf AUXBUF.C 499 islower IS.C 526 unlink UNLINK.C 538 avail AVAIL.C 500 isprint IS.C 526 utoi UTOI.C 538 bseek BSEEK.C 500 ispunct IS.C 526 write FWRITE.C 524 btell BTELL.C 501 isspace IS.C 526 xtoi XTOI.C 539 calloc CALLOC.C 504 isupper IS.C 526 ________________________ _______________________ _______________________

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