Arrhythmia Detection and Categorization
| 12-121
Author: Roy James Stanfill, Bioengineering Division,
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
This is a real-time QRS detection and analysis routine based
upon R-wave slope detection. The ECG, filtered from 3 Hz
to 40 Hz, is input to the A/D Converter. Each QRS is compared
with a stored average and judged normal or abnormal;
the R-R interval is also checked to determine whether the beat
is early or late. Several displays are available. Every 10
minutes, or upon request, the number of beats and arrhthmias
for the preceding 10 minutes, are typed out. If a Tektronix
video terminal and hardcopy Unit are available, copies of the
displays can be made via the sense switches and relays.
Minimum Hardware: 5K; PDP-12; EAE
Source Language: DIAL-MS
Catalog: July 1974