GEP: A Generalized Experimental Package
Author: Gregg C. Oden and Stanley Wong, Department of Psychology, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California
The Generalized Experimental Package is designed to allow the naive user of a PDP-12 to utilize its full capabilities in running a broad range of judgmental experiments in psychology, sociology, economics, etc.

The dual channel facilities of the VR-12's or VR-14's are used to allow installations with two external scopes to run two subiects completely independently; each subiect may proceed at his own rate and each receives a different randomized presentation sequence. The stimuli may be any set of verbal materials, including personality trait adjectives, short sentences, product names, etc. Responses are made through use of a continuous graphic rating scale which is drawn on the scopes.

The user specifies the characteristics of his experiment with a simple conversational initialization program. This program requires no knowledge of system details and need only be run once for each new experiment.

Minimum Hardware: PDP-12, 4K, TTY (2 external VR-12's or VR-14's to run 2 subjects)
Other Programs Needed: Pseudo Random Number Generator (DECUS NO. L-64)
Source Language: LAP6
Catalog: July 1974