STATIS12, A Statistical Package for the PDP-12
Author: P. C. Diegenbach, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Holland
Statistical package with scope displays to chain to 40 chainable FOCAL-12 programs. Included are normal basic statistics for non-grouped and grouped data, t-test, skewness and kurtosis, variance analysis, Sheffe-contrast, regression, correlation, eigen-values, principal axis (with display), comparison with normal, binomial, negative binomial, poisson, hypergeometric and logarithmic distributions and nonparametric statistics.

The user reacts by answering on the TTY the questions on the scope. Knowledge of computer functioning is unnecessary.

Minimum Hardware: 8K, Display, 1 (preferably 2) tape unit(s)
Other Programs Needed: FOCAL- 12, DIAL Monitor
Source Language: FOCAL- 12
Catalog: July 1974