INPUT, STAT, DIST: A Statistical Analysis Package for the PDP-8 or PDP-12
Author: Stephen C. Woods, Eric Halgren, Thomas L. Babb
Submitted by: Thomas L. Babb, UCLA Center for Health Sciences, Los Angeles, California
INPUT reads and stores trains of data. STAT performs a variety of statistical tests upon these trains (X^2, RUNS, KOLMOGOROX-SMIRNOV, MANN-WHITNEY U, t-test). DIST finds the probabilities associated with some of the values given by these tests. One application of these programs is the nonparametric statistical analyses of histograms derived from neuronal spike trains, a form of point process data.
Minimum Hardware: OS/8 or OS/12; LINCtape or other mass storage
Other Programs Needed: FORTRAN IV (RPTS)
Storage Requirement: 8K, 12K for STAT2
Catalog: December 1974