QANDA+ - Modified QANDA Subroutine
Author: W. R. J. Funnell, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
QANDA+ is a modified version of the QANDA subroutine (DEC-12-FISA). The following changes have been made: (1) it no longer needs to be in the same instruction field as the calling program, (2) both QANDA itself, and the GETKBD subroutine, return control to LAP6-DIAL when Cntrl/D is typed, (3) the routines for returning to LAP6-DIAL, and for typing a carriage return/line feed pair, are both accessible to external programs, and (4) the calling sequence has been changed.
Minimum Hardware: PDP-12B
Storage Requirement: First 4 pages of any segment
Restrictions: Same as for QANDA, also , TTY must be initialized before use
Source Language: LAP6-DIAL
Catalog: July 1974