Author: Andres J. Magre, COASIN S. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina
Simulates the Apollo descending on the moon surface. The operator governs the fuel rate. The program takes the fuel rate and makes all calculations every one second, thus operating in true real time. Indicators and time-altitude diagram are displayed.

Two versions arefiupplied, the second of which uses the sense switch to guard against over-enthusiastic players.

Minimum Hardware: PDP-12A 8K
Other Programs Needed: Version I: FOCAL-12 interpreter Version 2: FOCAL-12 and DECUS NO. 12-24
Miscellaneous: This is a modification of "Moon Landing“ demo. program published in DEC-O8-XJFB-D FOCAL Demonstration Programs
Source Language: FOCAL-12
Catalog: July 1974