Author: John Burness, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts
Revised tape by: Mark J. Hyde, Jamesville-DeWitt Central Schools, DeWitt, New York 4/6/73
SLOWCREF is a-modified version of the PDP-12 cross-reference program, CREF 12 (DEC-12-FRZA-D), and is used for the special case when a cross-reference of a long system program (e.g. PIP) is needed. CREF 12 is designed to be run on an 8K machine, thereby limiting the size of a program which it can successfully cross-reference. SLOWCREF runs on a 16K machine, thus doubling the size of the program which can be cross-referenced. Because the symbol table Crosses field boundaries when doing searches and inserts, SLOWCREF runs from 4 to 8 times slower than CREF 12 on the same program. Therefore, if the user's source is less than about 200 blocks, try to use CREF 12 to cross-reference the program first, rather than SLOWCREF.
Restrictions: Must operate under DIAL-MS
Source Language: LAP6-DIAL
Catalog: July 1974