PDP-12 PS/8 Utility Programs
| 12-95 |
1) MAGSPY displays the contents of any block on any PS/8 device, using any of several modes selected by the sense switches. Included is a mode which displays PS/8 source files as text listings.
2) INDEX displays PS/8 device indices, deletes files with rubouts, transfers groups of one or more files from one device to another.
3) COPY duplicates entire PS/8 LINCtapes.
4) MARK12 marks LINCtapes.
5) DIALPS copies files from DIAL LINCtape 1 to PS/8 device
SYS, automatically converting core-image file headers.
6) PSDIAL copies files from PS/8 to DIAL. MAGSPY, INDEX and COPY use SABR routine IHELP to display operating instructions. Other SABR or FORTRAN programs can also use IHELP.