TIC 5/8 (Scope Version)

Jim Gillespie, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Berkeley,

TIC 5/8 plays a master game of TIC-TAC-TOE on the display
scope. The program can be reset to a learning configuration
by hitting two keys on the Teletype, and will begin to learn
winning strategies from each game it loses until it has become
a master player again. The program makes use of the program
interrupt facility and makes necessary changes for a PDP-5 or

Minimum Hardware:
PDP-5/8 family and 340 scope

Source Language:
LRL PDP Assembly Language
(DECUS No. 5-13)

Storage Requirement:
1-3 and 41-3000

Should not be copied after use.
Execution time excludes use on
PDP-8/S. All program interrupt
flags must be cleared for use (room
is provided).

Catalog: November 1969