Disassembler with Symbols
| 5,8-18C
Eberhard Werner, University of California, Marine Physical
Laboratory of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
San Diego, California
This disassembler accepts a binary tape of standard format
and produces a listing of the tape in PAL III mnemonics,
and a cross-reference table of all addresses referenced by
any memory-reference instruction. A symbol table may be
entered to produce a Iisting similar to a PAL III Pass 3
listing. A patch to produce only a cross reference table is
included. See DECUS No. 8-179.
Minimum Hardware: | PDP-8 with 4K, ASR-33, High-
Speed Reader, EAE
Storage Requirement: | 20-17738 for program, 1774-75778
for scratch
| November 1969