1 *2763 2 002763 7300 D02763, CLA CLL 3 002764 3776 L02764, DCA I P02776 / Clear a word, starting at 3000 4 002765 1363 TAD D02763 / Reached ourself? 5 002766 2376 ISZ P02776 / Bump pointer 6 002767 7640 SZA CLA 7 002770 5364 D02770, JMP L02764 / No, keep going 8 002771 1376 TAD P02776 / Yes, get pointer 9 002772 3000 D02772, DCA 0 / Store at zero 10 002773 3376 DCA P02776 / Clear a couple of words 11 002774 3370 DCA D02770 / So we can fall through 12 002775 3372 DCA D02772 / without mangling 0 or DCA I 0 13 002776 3000 P02776, 03000 / Where to clear next. 14 002777 3400 DCA I 0 / Clear a word, fall through again 15 $ D02763 2763 D02770 2770 D02772 2772 L02764 2764 P02776 2776