PDP-8 Relocatable Assembler for IBM 360/50 and above

D. L. Mills and V. Michael Powers, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan

The documentation available describes a method for seg-
menting PDP-8 programs for the purpose of facil itating pro-
gram maintenance and residence in MTS (Michigan Terminal
System) files. The method provides for program storage on a
page-relocatable basis with relocation information contiguous
to but not necessarily integral with text information.
Linkages between separately assembled program segments
are provided in a form very similar to those used in IBM
System/360 systems.

Currently available utilities within MTS provides assembly
and link-editing facilities, using programs stored either as
punched card decks or in MTS files. Utilities are also in-
cluded for the purpose of paper tape transcription either in
PAL-compatible format or in a special format useful for
dynamic loading via a data link to a remote machine. In
addition to these MTS utilities, two relocating PDP-8 loaders
are available which operate using the special dynamic-
loading format. Each of these programs occupies one ded-
icated page of PDP-8 memory and operates in a multicore-
bank environment. One of these programs is designed to
operate as a stand-alone utility, while the other is designed
to operate within the RAMP system.

Catalog: November 1969