The PDP-8 Simulator System for Philco 212
| 8-165
Neal Laurance, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan
A program has been developed which provides the facility
to simulate the operation of a PDP-8 computer within a
Philco 212 computer. The system includes the ability to
assemble PDP-8 programs in assembly language, produce
paper tapes suitable for running on a PDP-8 and to
simulate the execution of a PDP-8 program completely within
the Philco 212. The simulation facility should be of use to
people who are anticipating the delivery of a PDP-8 computer,
and who wish to do program development before its arrival.
The simulator portion is written in Philco 212 assembly
language (it is not 211 compatible), and the remainder of
the system is written in the MAD langucge.
Write-up only available.