EAE FORTRAN Patch for the PDP-8

P. D. Siemens, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University
of California, Livermore, California

This patch to the PDP-8 FORTRAN Operating System utilizes
the extended arithmetic unit option (Type 182 EAE). Four
arithmetic routines were rewritten - alignment, normalize,
multiply and divide. The reduction in execution time is
rather significant.

Another improvement besides the faster execution time was
gained with EAE FORTRAN. Since the multiply routine
calculates a full 48-bit product and rounds instead of trun-
cates to 24-bits, an increase in significance of the product
was noted.

These modifications work with the FORTRAN Operating System
of March 2, 1967. They have not been tested with any other
version, but would "probably" work. No changes must be
made in operating procedure or any other portion of the program,
as this modification loads over the regular arithmetic subroutines.

Minimum Hardware:
PDP-8 with Type 182 EAE

Other Programs Needed:
FORTRAN Operating System

Source Language:

Catalog: November 1969