Allan B. Wilson, Max Planck Institut fuer Kohlen forschung
Muelheim, Germany
This interactive set of programs when used in conjunction with
a special intertace between the PDP-8 and PDP-10 allows the
1. The PDP-8 console Teletype to be used as a regular PDP-10
time-sharing station; and
2. By means of commands to the PDP-10 Time-Sharing Moni-
tor, PDP-8 binary programs are stored on a PDP-10 device and
sent to the PDP-8 and loaded. This eliminates the need for
paper tape or other program storage means on the PDP-8.
Minimum Hardware: | PDP-10 with linescanner and a
PDP-8 with special interface to
PDP-10 linescanner
Storage Requirement: | One page of PDP-8, about 2508
in PDP-10
Source Language: | PAL-10 and MACRO-10
| July 1973