Oscilloscope Vector Generator

J. H. Boardman, South Dakota School of Mines and
Technology, Rapid City, South Dakota

This is a subroutine requiring exactly one page (128 words) of
memory. Its purpose is to draw a linear vector from any point
on an oscilloscope display to any other point. There are 5
arguments in the subroutine calling sequence which specify
the starting point (X1, Y1), the ending point (X2, Y2) and
a stepsize. The stepsize (range l to 7) determines the point
density along the vector.

The ASCII tapes which are offered are with or without com-
ments. Please specify which tape you wish. The binary tape
is a program which demonstrates the use of the oscilloscope
Vector Generator Subroutine.

Minimum Hardware:
PDP-8, EAE, Type 34-D Display
Other Programs Needed:
User written main program
Storage Requirement:
128 words (1 page)
Source Language:

Catalog: July 1973