IBM Editor

Ted Glattke, Stanford University School of Medicine,
Stanford, California

This program provides editing service and 300010 character
storage for text from an IBM 2741 terminal. In the present
version, it also provides for punched paper tape storage of
materials to be Iisted on the 2741.

The program permits the following operations: (l) correction
of text by backspacing over the error and entering the correct
character; (2) correction of a line of text by calling back
the line; (3) an unlimited number of listings of text stored in
the buffer; (4) paper tape output.

Pecularities of the 2741 terminal, including time delays for
data control transfer and carriage travel after tabulation and
carriage return have been accommodated in the program.

Minimum Hardware:
PDP-8, PT08, IBM2741 Terminal plus
options to change data transfer
rate and logic levels from PT08
(Options X and F)
Storage Requirement:
0000-07778 plus 10008-67778 for buffer
Source Language:

Catalog: July 1973