Restoration of decus-8-269 is *not* complete. Basically, u8-269.bin.orig and u8-269.bin.orig.od describe the "as found" copy of decus-8-269. It has a number of issues, due to what appear to be missing frames, including origin settings, etc. What I have done in u8-269.bin and u8-269.bin.od, is to add frames, mostly NULs, until something that resembles correct PDP-8 code sequences is created. That, in turn, forms the basis of the annotated disassembly "morse.pal". Morse.pal and morse.ok also have been post-processed to agree as closely as possible with u8-269.bin.orig.od, in an effort to create as close a resemblance as possible to the unknown details of the original. The actual state of morse.pal is that it assembles, seems to run and mostly resemble what we know if the original from the PDF and HTML descriptions. The Makefile will bring morse.bin up to date if needed by assembling morse.pal, then will compare the result with morse.ok, which our best guess at a binary that probably isn't correct, but probably is close. A known issue is that the Morse code sent for "^" doesn't seem to be a valid code. Vince