Digital 8-12-U Modified

Judson Gilbert, Florida State University, Tallahassee,

The changes indicated allow the routine to recognize numbers
in the range of ± 2047 instead of from 0 to 4095. As is usual
with all software, making it more powerful takes a little more
core or, eliminates some features or both. In this instance,
the calling program will have to decide about initializing or
plotting, and when plotting the pen will have to be raised or
lowered, or commanded so, regardless of its up or down status
of entry. The storage required is still 1 PDP-8 page.

This version of Digital-8-12-U is now serving us as an FNEW
addition to FOCAL. It does a very nice job.

Minimum Hardware:
PDP-8, LINC-8 and incremental
Other Programs Needed:
Calling program
Source Language:

Catalog: July 1973