Tri-Data CartriFile PAL III Assembler

Jack R. Ellis, Tri-Data Corporation, Mountain View,

This is a complete rewrite of the basic PDP-8 PAL III Assem-
bler. In addition to providing magnetic tape source-program
input and listing output on the Tri-Data CartriFile, the pro-
gram provides for 11" paging, line numbering corresponding
to the "pages" of the DEC Editor, a 4-column symbol table,
and compressed source-tape formatting. Symbol table capacity
is 532 symbols.

Minimum Hardware:
4K PDP-8, ASR33 (HSR/P and/or
Cartrifile are optional)
Storage Requirement:
4096 words (0-75778)
Binary output tapes may not be
used with DDT-8
Source Language:

Catalog: July 1973