Queing TC01/TU55 DECtape Routines

James Crapuchettes, Stanford Electronics Labs, Stanford,

These routines, which are a much modified version of DECOS-
FUBO (previously DEC-08-31U) provide the user with the
ability to read and write 128 words (one memory page) from/
onto standard 129 word DECtape blocks. Successive blocks
are transferred into/from successive 128 word areas of memory.
The routines will transfer into/from any memory field, will
begin searching in either forward or reverse direction for the
block at which the transfer will begin, and will queue one
read/write reguest to keep the DECtape in motion (and
transferring data) as continuously as possible.

Minimum Hardware:
PDP-8, TC01 DECtape control
and TU55 DECtape transport(s)
Storage Reguirement: About l l/4 pages of memory
(2408 locations)
Source Language:

Catalog: July 1973