MTS-6/70 (Millisecond Time-Sharing System)

Charles W. Snyder, Department of Psychology, University of
Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana

A laboratory time-sharing system for data processing and con-
trol of up to 18 experiments without interaction. Experiment
programs in PAL III are called at 1, 10 or 100 Hz for one
millisecond per share. Inputs may be sampled at 1000 Hz.
The basic system of about 1400 core words includes a scope
interactive display, I/O, arithmetic, conversion, keyboard
control, and service routines most useful in behavioral

Minimum Hardware:
4K PDP-8/I, ASR33, AX08 with
scope, XR, XM, XC options to
16 analog channels (LAB-8
system), PC08 High Speed Reader
and Punch
Storage Requirement:
1110 pages: 0200-0377, 5200-
7611, plus half of Page 0
Experiment programs are not on
interrupt and must return within
l msec.
Source Language:

Catalog: July 1973