SUBSET, lnterger Compiler and Operating System
| 8-489
R. F. Lafontaine, CSIRO, Highett, Victoria, Australia
SUBSET has been developed for the 4000 word PDP-8 computers.
It comprises a one-pass compiler which interprets FORTRAN/
FOCAL-like source programs, and a double precision integer
operating system. Its features are the ease which the system
can be expanded by relocatable binary subroutines, and a
reasonable amount of free memory available for the user's
program (5600 octal words).
Minimum Hardware: | PDP-8/S, Teletype keyboard/
Other Programs Needed: | DECUS NO. 8-130A and 130B
Storage Requirement: | 0-7577
Source Language: | MACRO-8
| July 1973