Line to Block Conversion

Ralf Beyer, DFVLR, lnstitut fuer Flugfuehrung, Flughafen,

The program assumes k variables with n samples stored in k
blocks of DECtape each containing n lines. Particular lines of
one block correspond with the appropriate lines of other blocks.
For data manipulation in particular in connection with
DECUS NO. 8-137 "Program for Storage, Manipulation and
Calculation of Data Using DECtape" the program converts the
array of k blocks with n lines to an array of n blocks with k
lines. Floating-point number representation is used and the
size of the array may be k = 23 and n = 42 at maximum.

Minimum Hardware:
4K PDP-8, ASR33, TC01/TU55
Other Programs Needed:
DECUS NO. 8-137
Storage Requirement:
20-43; 200-1657; 1600-7577
(Data Buffer)
Source Language:

Catalog: July 1973