'TRIPLE' - 36 Bit PDP-8/E Simulator and 'TRIPLE' 8BAL Macros

David M. Kristol, Wilmington, Delaware

A) 'TRIPLE' gives the PDP-8 user a simple-to-use multiple
precision capability. The triple precision routines are entered
by a subroutine call, after which each computer word is
interpreted as an instruction for a PDP-8/E with 36-bit operands.
Most op codes (all memory references) are interpreted.
Escape back to normal execution occurs via a HLT.

B) The 'TRIPLE' 8BAL Macros permit the coding of 36-bit
constants and literals in a convenient way when using the
'TRIPLE' precision package. Included are numerical,
symbolic and character literals.

Minimum Hardware:
PDP-8, 8/I, 8E, 8/L
Other Programs Needed:
None for A; PS/8 and
DECUS NO. 8-497A for B.
Storage Requirement:
Source Language:

Catalog: July 1973