A Statistical System in PS/8
Author: Jens G. Rosenkrantz, M.D.,
Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Operating System: OS/8
Source Language: FORTRAN II

Abstract: A system, built upon DEC's PS/8, which runs a number of
programs to do statistical analyses of data. The following programs are
provided: (1) Mean-Variance; (2) Student's t Test; (3) Rank Analysis; (4)
Analysis of Variance; (5) Correlation; and (6) Chi Square. Additional
programs can be easily added to the system.

Data may be given from a variety of input devices. Answers may be
written, on the teletype, high speed punch or line printer, and are
formatted on 11 inch "pages." A large number of data files may be
chained together by the user, in order to permit batching of data, each
file calling a particular statistical text. Thus the system can function as a
desk calculator (with teletype input) or can process large batches of data

Media Price Code: A6, B5, G64
Catalog: August 1978