MINMON-TD8E DECtape Minimonitor
Author: Ian H. Witten,
University of Essex, United Kingdom Department of Electri-
cal Engineering Science,
Source Language: PAL-III
Memory Required: 4K
Special Hardware Required: TD8E DECtape

Abstract: The TD8E Minimonitor enables 4K core images to be stored
on DEC tape and loaded when required. The monitor comprises:
a) A command decoder and DECtape read routine, normally
occupying core locations 7600-7777;
b) a modified version of the BIN loader, a 200 word routine
capable of being executed in any core page;
c) a DECtape write routine, a 200 word routine capable of being
executed in any core page.

Restrictions: This system is not compatible with OS/8.

Media Price Code: D2, F5, G5
Catalog: August 1978