Author: John R. Covert and Douglas E. Wrege,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Operating System: DECsystem-8
Source Language: PAL
Memory Required: 8K
Other Software Required: OS/8
Revised: August 1974

Abstract: This package adds many of the PDP-10 operating system
features to the PS/8 system, including the capability of further expansion
of the monitor command set, the LOGON and KJOB (kill job) com-
mands, and the compile command for shorthand calls to the standard
language processors on the system. The philosophy of the additions to the
system was to keep as much compatibility between the PDP-10 operating
system and the PS/8 system as possible. In some cases, the command
syntaxes used are not optimum, but are PDP-10 compatible. Users who
use both the PDP-10 and the PS/8 systems on a day-by-day basis will be
able to converse with both systems with a minimum of consideration of
the differences in command syntaxes.

Media Price Code: A4, H32
Format: OS/8
Catalog: August 1978