Extended Double Precision Interpretive Package
Author: Bruce D. Geelhood,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Operating System: Paper Tape
Source Language: PAL-III

Abstract: This is a revised and extended version of the double preci-
sion interpretive package submitted by Roger Anderson in 1968 (DECUS
8-115a). This package performs double precision signed integer arithmet-
ic operations using specially defined single word memory reference
instructions. The package is similar to the Floating Point Package
(DIG-8-5-S) but occupies much less core. Only two pages of memory and
15 words on page zero are required. This package performs the arithmetic
operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It can
also jump in the interpretive mode, execute external subroutines, store
into core double precision, and perform several non-MRI operate com-
mands. The operate commands enable clearing, branching, negating. and
exiting. This extended version is superior to its predecessor in that it has
complete overflow protection, several operate instructions, and an easy
method of adding additional functions. In spite of these extensions the
new package occupies the same amount of memory.

Media Price Code: D2, F5, G12
Catalog: August 1978