SCPSYS (Scope System)

Donald C, Amoss, Clemson University, Clemson,
South Carolina

"SCPSYS" (Scope System) is an editing, filing and assem-
bling system for use on the PDP-8 computer equipped with
DECtape, display and EAE. The interactive CRT based
system provides quick user response and has shown to be in-
strumental in decreasing the time required for user familiar-
ization. This has proven particularly beneficial in the edu-
cational environment. An interactive FOCAL/SCPSYS
system has been developed to provide a more convenient
means of saving FOCAL programs on DECtape. An adapta-
tion to the FORTRAN-D system is also available which in- _
cludes DECtape read/write commands and multi-level sub-
routine commands (basically a JMS rather than JMP),

Ancillary programs included in the basic system include a
block-to-block "COPY" program, an octal listing (OLIST)
program, a DECtape word manipulator (MODIFY), a program
to convert existing DECUS Files to SCPSYS (ADDECUS), and
general purpose message display and interrogation programs
(Q + A, for Question & Answer, UNPACK, and UNPACKD).
This system, in various stages of development, has been in
use by many users and several classes since the latter part of

Minimum Hardware:
4K PDP-8, TTY, DECtape,
Source Language:

Catalog: July 1974