STKMKT: Stock Market Game, Version: March 1974
| 8-701
Author: Philip J. Hunt, Middletown Township High School, Middletown,
Source Language: FOCAL '69
Memory Required: 8K
Keywords: Games
Abstract: This game makes you the buyer in an imaginary stock market
You maay buy or sell in a field of 10 stocks on this market. The computer
keeps track of your purchases, your money on hand, and the changing
stock prices.
Note: The availability of this program on OS/8 media does not imply that
the program is appropriate for or has been tested on OS/8 or OS/78.
Please order at your own discretion.
Media Service Charge Code: Write-Up and Listing (DA), Floppy
Diskette (KA)
Format: OS/8
Catalog: June 1985