FORTRAN IV Graphics Subroutines
Author: Dennis McGhie,
Stanford Medical Center, Stanford, CA
Operating System: OS/8
Source Language: FORTRAN IV and RALF
Memory Required: 8K
Special Hardware Required: Plotter

Abstract: This is a set of four subroutines which allow plotting under
OS/8 FORTRAN IV. Included are subroutines for driving a plotter
(XY12 or VP8/I) or buffering plotter commands to a file in a format
compatible with PLOTVS (DECUS NO. 12-157). Entries are also
provided for automatic scale setting, character plotting, and string
plotting. The character and string routines are written in FORTRAN.
The pen move routines are written in RALF.

Media Price Code: D3, H32
Format: OS/8
Catalog: August 1978