RJE System for PDP-8/E (IBM 2780 Emulator)
Submitted by: William F. Decker,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Operating System: Paper Tape
Source Language: PAL-III
Memory Required: 8K
Special Hardware Required: Card reader, printer, clock, and data
communications options are required.
Other Software Required: OS/8 Needed to assemble source

Abstract: This program is designed to simulate an IBM 2780 commu-
nicating with an IBM 360/370 system running IBM OS/HASP software.
The PDP-8/E RJE package currently supports a card reader, line printer,
papertape reader punch, synchronous line unit and cyclic redundancy
check option.

Characteristics of the software include: EBCDIC transmission code;
Horizontal format record processing for printing; Multiple record buffers;
Papertape reader/punch support; Transparency for transmission or

The PDP-8/E RJE terminal can support several local functions such
as: card-to-printer, printer-to-papertape, papertape-to-printer and paper-
tape-to-papertape operations.

Media Price Code: A2, B8, E7, F8, H32, K54
Format: OS/8
Catalog: August 1978