Author: Glen L. Brydon,
Glen Ridge, NJ
Submitted by: John W. Cowan,
Glen Ridge High School, Glen Ridge, NJ
Operating System: OS/8
Source Language: PAL-8
Special Hardware Required: TD8E/TU56 DECtape

Abstract: This OS/8 device handler allows OS/8 users with one TD8E
DECtape drive as their system device to easily move files from one tape
to another using OS/8 system programs such as PIP. COPY provides the
single-DECtape user some of the power of multiple-DECtape systems, at
the expense of some time and effort changing tapes. It insures the
integrity of transfers through an error recovery system which allows
retries to be ordered if the handler was unable to read a damaged tape.

Restrictions: Limited error recovery

Media Price Code: A2, F5, G5
Catalog: August 1978