
M. Talwani and J. Dorman, Lamont Geological Observatory,
Columbia University, Palisades, New York

This program utilizes the output of the U. S. Navy's AN/SRN-9
satellite navigation receiver to obtain fixes on a PDP-8 or
PDP-8/S. This program, except for some details of input and
output, follows very closely NAVIG2 written for the IBM
1620 which in turn is derived from the TRIDON program written
at the Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University
for the IBM 7090.

PDP NAVIG 2/2 is written in PAL III for 4K machine with
ASR-33. Floating point _numbers using two 12-bit words as
mantissa and one 12-bit word as exponent are employed.

The accuracy is slightly less than that
using 7 decimal digits per word.

Minimum Hardware:
PDP-8 with an ASR-33.

Catalog: November 1969