KLSTST: KLS/E, KLS/J Diagnostic
Author: David A. Bennett
Computer Science Research Laboratory, The Technological
Institute, Evanston, IL
Source Language: PAL-D or PAL-8
Memory Required: 6638 words

Abstract: KL8TST verifies the correct operation of a KL8/E or a
KL8/J asynchronous serial device controller. In an environment where a
particular board must quickly be isolated as the possible source of some
unknown difficulty, or in general when a vote of confidence is needed on
a KL8/E or /J irrespective of the peripheral which it controls, this
program will give a fast go no/go response.

Should the program discover a fault, it attempts to report its nature in
meaningful English language phrases. It will perform independent tests of
1) interrupt capability, 2) punch complete flag operation, 3) keyboard
ready flag operation, and 4) data integrity.

Media Price Code: D2, G6
Catalog: August 1978