OS/8 Compatible VC8-E Handler for Mass Storage Systems
Author: Stephan V. Bechtolsheim,
Ulrich Gschrei; Max-Planck Institut fuer Psychiatrie, Mu-
nich, West Germany
Operating System: OS/8 V3
Source Language: PAL-8
Memory Required: 12K minimum
Special Hardware Required: VC8E interface with Tektronix 611
or 613 storage scope

Abstract: An OS-8 (12K) compatible scope handler for a PDP-8/E
with a VC8E interface for the storage scope Tektronix 611 or 613 and
EAE option. It can be assigned like a lineprinter. No additional hardware
is required. Character display is via 5 x 7 matrix and effected by a one
page handler cooperating with a co-resident fixed area of 4 pages
containing character table and display organization (PAL8). Arbitrary
character position in FORTRAN 2 is possible. Furthermore for the
system program EDIT an option is implemented to direct TTY responses
to the scope.

Media Price Code: D2, H32
Format: OS/8
Catalog: August 1978