Simple ASCII Editor and Tape Reproducer
Author: Bradford A. Morse
Beverly High School, MA
Operating System: Paper Tape
Source Language: PAL-III
Memory Required: 4K

Abstract: This is a very simple editor for use on the PDP-8/E
computer with one ASR or KSR 33 teletype. The main program resides
on the first two pages of core memory, leaving the rest of the core for the
storage of user programs or tapes to be copied. The editor works much
like a normal teletype 'off line' (local). But your program is stored, and
can later be either printed/taped or erased. All characters on the
keyboard are stored except the 'Line Feed' which is automatically placed
after all eight bit return codes.

Media Price Code: D2, F5, G5
Catalog: August 1978