Five Word Floating Point Package for PDP-8
Author: Douglas L. Martin
National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
Source Language: PAL-III
Memory Required: 4K

Abstract: The package operates in the interpretive mode, performing
calculations with an accuracy of 14 to 15 significant digits. It includes
input and output routines, the latter permitting variable word length fixed
and floating point outputs. Input and output are possible within a set of
floating point instructions which also include add, subtract, multiple,
divide, square, square root, normalise, negate and absolute value. The
package occupies core areas 5-7, 15, 40-64 and 5463-7543.

Note: Numbers range from 10-38 to 10+38 in magnitude.

Media Price Code: A2, B3, F5, G22
Catalog: August 1978