MUSIC: PDP-8 Music Playing Program
| 8-804
Author: Richard Wilson and others
Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA
Operating System: Paper Tape or OS/8
Source Language: PAL-8
Memory Required: 4K
Abstract: MUSIC is a program which will play music in four part
harmony on any PDP-8 family core memory computer, except the 8/S or
PDP-12. The music to be played is input to the program as a standard
OS/8 ASCII file. The music may be picked up by the use of an AM radio,
or by a simple interface. The OS/8 distribution media include the source
of the player, which can be customized for various configurations, along
with approximately 45 minutes of music, such as Joplin, Bach, Beetho-
ven, movie tunes, etc.
The binary paper tape is intended for any 1.5 microsecond PDP-8, and
runs in 4K, but will only play short tunes. Several short tunes are
available on paper tape.
Media Price Code: A2, F5, H32, K54
Format: OS/8
Catalog: August 1978