PLOT, KPLOT: FORTRAN Callable Plotting Subroutines for Scope and Incremental Plotter
Author: Shlomo Z. Ron
New York City Health and Hospital Corp. New York, NY
Operating System: OS/8
Source Language: SABR
Memory Required: 1 page for scope, 2 pages for plotter
Special Hardware Required: KV8E interface and storage scope,
incremental plotter.
Other Software Required: OS/8 FORTRAN II

Abstract: This is a package of two independent FORTRAN II subrou-
tines; one for plotting on Tektronix 611 storage scope and the other for
plotting on an incremental CALCOMP 563 plotter. The calling format
for the two subroutines is basically the same. The subroutines provide for
pen up and pen down, best approximation to a straight line, coordinate
plotting and plotting of x at desired locations.

Media Price Code: D2, G6
Catalog: August 1978