Library System for 580 Magnetic Tape (Preliminary Version)

G. Sharman, University of Southampton, Southampton,

The system provides for storing program files {or other files}
on the 580 Magnetic Tape with PDP-8, and recalling them
at will without altering the state of the rest of the computer.
In general principle, it is similar to the DECtape Library
System, and the only effective storage requirement is the
last page of memory.

At present, the system consists of three programs known as

BOOTSTRAP 1 is a minimal loader program which resides in
the last page of memory. Its function is to rewind the tape
and load BOOTSTRAP 2 into the last page, automatically
transferring control to it. Bootstrap saves the area of core
to be used by the system as a record on the magnetic tape,
loads the LIBRARY Routines into core, and transfers control
to them.

The LIBRARY Routines comprise a Directory of the files on
tape, an Input-Output package, enabling communication
with the Teletype, and four system programs:

LIst Types out the names of files in the Directory

CAll Transfers a file into core and exits

DUmp Writes a file on tape, rewrites the Directory,
and exits

EXit Restores the computer to its original state, with
BOOTSTRAP 1 and BIN on the last page.

The magnetic tape subroutine and some control functions are
included in BOOTSTRAP 2. Each entry in the directory consists
of three words: the name of the file, its first location
in core, and the number of words it occupies. The capacity
of the directory is 2210 entries.

Catalog: November 1969